In compliance with the provisions of article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, we inform you that the company that owns (hereinafter “The Website“) is La Conquete des Poles, S.L. (hereinafter “THE COMPANY“), with address for this purpose at Calle Compostela, semibasement number 14 of C.I.F.: B94009560 registered in the Mercantile Register of Pontevedra in volume 3568, Folio 180, Page PO-48292. Contact e-mail: from the website.


The Website” uses cookies to improve your browsing experience and to analyse your visits. At the same time, we inform you what a cookie is, which ones the website uses and, if you wish, how you can remove them if you have previously accepted their installation. In any case, we will ask for your consent in this respect (installation of cookies on your device).


> What is a “cookie” ?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded into the user’s device (computer/smartphone/tablet) when accessing certain websites. Cookies enable the website store and retrieve user information, including the number of visits and the user’s browsing habits; depending on the information collected and how the device is used, it can be used to recognize the user.

There are different types of “cookies”, depending on how long they stay in the device (“ session cookies ” or “ permanent ”), their origin (“first or third-party”), their purpose (“technical”, “behavioural advertising”, “analytical” or “customisation”).


> Why are “cookies” used on this website ?

Cookies used on the website seek to optimise the browsing experience and analyse the visits received, through Google Analytics.


> What “cookies” are used on this website ?

The website uses mostly persistent third-party cookies; apart from this, it also uses a first-party cookie. Furthermore, and depending on their purpose, there are three different types: technical, analytical and customisation cookies.


To help understand them, the following is a definition of the concepts mentioned:


– First-party “cookies”: are those which are sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain managed by the website editor and from which it provides the service requested by the user.

– Third-party “cookies”: are those which are sent to the user’s device from a computer or domain that it is not managed by the website editor but by another organisation that manages the data obtained via cookies.

– Persistent “cookies”: are a type of cookies whose data is stored in the user’s computer/device and can be accessed and managed for a specific period by the cookie owner; this can vary from a few minutes up to several years.

– Technical “cookies”: are those allowing the user to browse through a website, platform or application and use the different existing options or services such as controlling the traffic and data communication; identifying the session; accessing restricted areas; remembering the elements that are part of an order; processing a purchase request; submitting the application for registration or participation in an event; using security elements while browsing, storing content for the dissemination of sound or videos; and even sharing content through social networks.

– Analytical “cookies”: are those that allow those responsible for monitoring and analysing the website users’ behaviour to which they are linked. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure the websites, applications and platforms’ activity and to create these users’ browsing profiles whose aim is to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the use of the data by the service users.

– Customization “cookies”: this type of cookies allow the user access the service with some aspects of a general nature, predefined on the basis of a series of criteria set on the user’s computer; these may include the language, the browser used to access the service, the regional settings, etc.


> Below we show the relevant features of those “cookies” used on the website:


“Cookie” Identification Type Purpose Duration
_ga From Google Analytics (*): third-party cookie, analytical and persistent, not essential for the service provider that may offer a service specifically requested by a user (it requires consent to be installed). (see ref. above concepts) These cookies create an anonymous user ID, which is used to count the number of times the same user visits the website, as well as the first and last time the user accessed it. It also estimates when a session is finished, it tracks down the origin of the user as well as the keywords. 2 years
NID From Google Maps (*): From third-partytechnical, persistent and essential (no consent needed for installation). (see ref. above concepts) It only provides the location (in this case) of  “THE COMPANY Between 2 and 6 months
PREF From Google Maps (*): From third-partytechnical, persistent and essential (no consent needed for installation). (see ref. above concepts) It only provides the location (in this case) of  “THE COMPANY Between 1 year and 2 years

(*) About Google Analytics and Maps: The website uses Google Analytics and Google Maps, analysis services provided by Google, Inc., a company of Delaware whose principal office is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (hereinafter “ Google ”). Google Analytics uses cookies, text files located in the user’s computer in order to carry out statistical analysis on the website use. The information generated by the cookie about the website use (including IP address) will be directly transmitted and stored by Google on its USA servers . Google will use this information on behalf of “THE COMPANY” to provide statistics on the use of the website. It may transfer this information to third parties where required by the legislation, or when those third parties manage the information on behalf of Google. Google will not link its IP address with any other available data owned by Google. Users can set their browsers and disable the cookies if they wish to block the collection of such information.


> Consent

Consent In order to enable cookies in your computer, you must give your consent, prior verification of the contents of the above information.

However, if you decide to disable cookies previously installed, please find information below on how to do so via the following links.

Procedure according to the browser used:



This Cookies Policy will be amended by “THE COMPANY” when required by law or in response to recommendations set by the Spanish Agency For Data Protection or other Privacy authorities. Therefore, “THE COMPANY” recommends users review the Cookies Policy regularly.